Respite Care
Looking after a loved one can be exhausting. Occasionally it is important to have a break, to have some respite from the full-time, all-consuming role of carer. However, it can be a worry trying to organise an alternative you can trust. That’s where we can help. Your Home Care are experts in organising respite care – we will ensure you have a skilled Home Care Assistant to take over while you re-charge your batteries.
We know this is a sensitive issue and we understand that both you, and the person for whom you are caring, may find it difficult. Our dedicated Home Care Assistants will spend time with you to learn routines and make sure that everything necessary is in place. Like all our services, everything will be carefully planned. We have invested extensively in electronic systems to make sure time spent by our Home Care Assistants is time spent caring. For respite care, this system also gives the optional extra facility for families to check-in remotely and keep up to date with things at home.
Respite for carers can last from a few days to several weeks away from the role. It can be one-off or as part of a series of planned visits. It will enable you to return to caring feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. We’ll give you the confidence to make the best use of the respite period.